
 John Rozenberg in OCWeekly

Josh Dulaney, aka OCeeker at OCWeekly, recently attended and reviewed a Sacred Breathing Circle led by none other than John Rozenberg

The OCeeker gave Rozenberg’s meditation four out of five chakras, and called him A New Age sage indeed.
— Josh Dulaney

Now there’s an eye catching title. He continues below:

“The OCeeker has done did some kinky things during his turn on the sagging stage of life. But he’s never taken payment for the service. Nay, ye heathen, your lord and master volunteers his skillset for the daintier sex. Howsomever, he does get paid to document the Deity’s doings in our fair county, which means when he finds himself surrounded by a group of folks gasping and groaning to get closer to God, well, he just clocked in for work.”

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“I have had a few sessions with John Rozenberg, and each has taken me to a new level of experience. He is amazing in his ability to hone right in on my stuck areas, & supports me in the process of letting that stuff go. Then he leads me into a deep level breathing experience where the energy really shifts. I feel ten pounds lighter after each session. When I start feeling heavy again, I know it’s time to book another session with John. I can’t recommend him highly enough.”

— Cheryl Lutjen

Testimonials from John’s Clients